Friday, June 28, 2013

Friday Morning

Courtney, Maggie, Liz, and the chickens

Today we walked to a woman named Barbara’s house. She lives a couple blocks from the Jo, and recently opened her home to four chickens to provide fresh eggs for her family. Ruby, Dr. Henny Penny, Olympia and Ardy were her four very cute chickens. She showed us how to hold them and taught us all about the coop they built and how she feeds them.
Barbara shows Sofia and Maggie
the composting bins
They were only 7 weeks old, so they had not began to lay eggs yet but soon will develop into a functioning source of fresh eggs. She houses them in her small backyard in the city, and she also has small boxes of vegetable plants growing there too. She and her family are also planning on starting beehives next year.

Emmy finally catches a chicken
We found out lots of the benefits of having chickens besides eggs. Their poop makes a great addition to compost, they eat all the bugs and tame the grass in the backyard, and they’re very fun to watch.

1 comment:

  1. Nice job Emmy looks like you and the chicken will be best of friends!
